Free Author and Book Promotions

The Writer’s Blog is part of the EclecticEvelyn family of blogs

We offer numerous ways to work to collaborate, to find out how to work with any of the blogs in the network

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Fiction and Non-fiction welcome


Writers Talking

a monthly post that consists of a 5-10 question interview with an author. The author will be emailed the questions and will write their reply. The author will also need to provide an author bio and photo. (Currently doing only 2 per month) Example Writers Talking

• The option of including social media links, websites, author pages
• The option of including a book blurb and link to purchase
• The post will be shared on Twitter and Facebook.
• Option to sponsor a giveaway of a book, swag, gift card, or a combination valued at least $25

Cat with glasses on laying on a book with the words Free Author and Book Promos The WRiter's Blog

Author Guest post

must be 500+ words focused on writing such as writing tips, writing space, why you write, why a specific genre, etc. Must be an original post not published elsewhere read Guest Post Guidelines for more information (Currently doing only 2 per month) Examples Guest Writers

• The option of including social media links, websites, author pages
• The option of including a book blurb and link to purchase
• The post will be shared on Twitter and Facebook.
• Option to sponsor a giveaway of a book, swag, gift card or a combination valued at least $25


Book Spotlight

• Must provide book blurb and photo of the book
• Must provide author blurb and photo
• Option to provide book excerpts or trailer
• The option of including social media links, websites, author pages
• Option to sponsor a giveaway of a book, swag, gift card, or a combination valued at least $15
• The post will be shared on Twitter and Facebook.


What’s The Catch?

The Writer’s Blog offers limited free promotions for authors and books to lift the writer’s community. As a fellow writer, my aim is to support and promote fellow authors while spreading the word about exceptional books and the writing profession. All I request in return is your support in promoting our content by sharing, commenting, and/or linking to our posts and following me on social media. When sharing on your social media, please tag @eclecticevelyn and use the hashtag #TheWritersBlog. This not only boosts our blog but also enhances visibility for your own books and supports other authors on their publishing journey.


Please Note: These above author promotions are evergreen posts and will remain on the blog indefinitely providing continued exposure. They will also continue to be shared randomly on social media.

For more information contact

Book Promos

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Cat with glasses on laying on a book with the words Free Author and Book Promos The WRiter's Blog



The Writer’s Blog is a private publication and retains all editorial controls and copyrights to our posts.

We follow FTC requirements for bloggers. We only post honest reviews. In the unlikely event that your item breaks or doesn’t work as advertised, we will contact you to let you know what happened and give you the option of having no review posted at all. We do not guarantee to follow through with a review, blog post, or gift guide inclusion if the sponsor sends a different product than we request, or sends a different color, size, or quantity than we requested. We do not run giveaways for discounts, coupons, sample or trial-sized products, or products that are available to the general public for free. Sponsors are responsible for all shipping costs. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. We do not ship prizes or cover postage in any way. Prize fulfillment is the sponsors’ sole responsibility. 

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